K8000越野电动绞盘 G9000越野电动绞盘 N12000专业电动绞盘 N15000工业电动绞盘 H12000工业液压绞盘 H15000工业液压绞盘 K5000P便携式电动绞盘
K8000 越野绞盘 G9000 4WD绞盘 N12000 专业绞盘 N15000 救援绞盘 H12000 工业绞盘 H15000 工业绞盘 K5000P 便携式绞盘


热度8659票 时间:2014年6月17日 22:24

Y7cxu.~1q lv3l0Performance of wire rope in a machine is affected by design of its sheaves and drums. Information about design of sheave and drum (diameter, the shape of the groove profiles and corresponding radius, the drum pitch and the fleet angle) is given in this article. Other useful technical information on wire ropes – measurement of diameter; generally accepted design factors; capacity of drums and reels; reserve strength; wire rope clips and wire rope end connections is also given in this article.

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Sheave and Drum Design

1gCQ{|6l5|@^0Sheave and drum design factors affecting life / performance of a wire rope are as under.拓松汽车户外网 -Oi$[;^F s:`)HZ

Sheave and Drum Diameters

_;i/X q[ U0Rope breaking strength is determined in a standard test wherein fittings are attached to the ends of the rope and the rope is pulled in a straight line. If however, the rope passes over a curved surface (such as a sheave or pin) its strength is decreased. The amount of such reduction will depend on the severity of the bend as expressed by the D/d ratio where D is sheave / drum diameter and d is wire rope diameter. At smaller D/d ratios, the loss in strength increases quite rapidly.拓松汽车户外网 -6K7{9r2p?7lfi-ee

8fQJ#e\lz0Efficiency of Wire Rope

Az]:` Ip$b0 拓松汽车户外网 -$mTk c(}X

The above graph shows strength efficiency of wire rope when bent over pins or sheaves of various sizes.

+|;PDKRC4v+Zc!y0 拓松汽车户外网 -:`j7_aH_g Y

It can be seen that, a rope bent around a pin of its own diameter will have only 50% of the strength attributed to it in the standard test. This is called '50% efficiency'. Even at D/d ratios of 40, there may be a loss of up to 5%.

)Qk;v8?`&k Kz0

~)r6Z'W+xH8J0In view of above, relevant standard or statutory requirement shall be followed. In absence of such requirements, the diameter of drum or sheave shall not be less than that given in the table below.拓松汽车户外网 -,dIf v(wRO

3G^Khf:J(p+i[9L+J0 拓松汽车户外网 - MB`#tU4W

Purpose Construction Minimum D/d Ratio
Colliery winding 6×6/1 90
6×12/6/1 70
Colliery haulage 6×6/1 70
Lifts and hoists 6×12/6/1 40
6×12/6+6F/1 40
6×9/9/1 50
8×12/6/1 32
8×9/9/1 40
General engineering applications 6×6/1 40
6×12/6/1 25
6×18/12/6/1 20
6×61 17

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Groove Dimensions

拓松汽车户外网 -7G&J.~-ND J:c&b2W

It is necessary to have radius of the groove to be slightly larger than that of the rope passing over it.


J6O;{[hhq1l}V,O0Groove Width

2V?pJ/t;z Q'j.z0 拓松汽车户外网 -Z+i X-E(J%{Z

A too narrow groove will crush the rope and damage the wires soon. In too wide groove, the rope will wear more quickly at the point of contact and also cut a false groove in the pulley. In wide groove, the rope will not have lateral support and it will flatten under load. A rope shall be supported by the groove for one third of its circumference. Recommended groove dimensions for sheave and drum are as under.拓松汽车户外网 -2d qic!l6l:T2x

Groove Dimensions for a Sheave
拓松汽车户外网 -6||ha4Yyt

Recommended dimensions for radius, depth and throat angles are as under.


W"C~9f|2I\7m0Groove Dimensions for Sheave拓松汽车户外网 -:i1[*n)D"G

拓松汽车户外网 -"Z1{0J#TQ6\E

Groove radius (r): Minimum = 0.53 to 0.535 x d and Maximum = 0.55 x d拓松汽车户外网 -$Kq4y1k#RT

拓松汽车户外网 -x{Z;ng%^4f/_

Groove depth (h): 1.5 x d

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Throat angle: 35° to 45° (For normal applications)

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Groove Dimensions for a Drum
拓松汽车户外网 -` L8|0L0E

Recommended dimensions for radius, depth and pitch are as under.拓松汽车户外网 -U+`3Txs#Y xVh

\H|NQ$s0Groove Dimensions for  Drum

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Groove radius (r): Minimum = 0.53 to 0.535 x d and Maximum = 0.55 x d

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p!U3CT,hB$V5P.Xl0Groove depth (h): Minimum h ≥ 0.374 x d for helically grooved drums.拓松汽车户外网 -fw-] dh \

拓松汽车户外网 -a {4P-p_2[uy t

Pitch (p): The pitch shall not be smaller than 2.065 x groove radius and larger than 2.18 x groove radius.拓松汽车户外网 - F }'u/D)\ [;B6vnf~)y

Sheave and Drum Design as per IS 3177

Hwv^x?0IS 3177 is a code of practice for electric overhead travelling cranes and gantry cranes other than steel works crane.拓松汽车户外网 -(F2^1_#s7]![-I

e TF"n|j0The cranes are designed for four mechanism classes (Class 1 to 4) based on different duty factors (for strength and wear) and average life (running time per day and total life). For more information on various terms, please refer the specification.

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8n-D`$y7l.N-{m|0A0Various dimensions as per the specification shall be as under.拓松汽车户外网 -|K Xs_HZy!J

D/d Ratio for Drums and Sheaves

yE"n3g j[0 

jnZ u%r$@ }0
Rope Construction D/d Ratio based on Mechanism Class
6×19 23 to 29
6×24, 6×36 and 6×37 group multi-strand 17 to 22

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Radius of Groove in Drums and Sheaves


i:O`*iD og0
Diameter of Rope in mm Increase over Rope Radius in mm
Up to and including 16 1.0
Over 16 and including 24 1.5
Over 24 and including 28 2.0
Over 28 3.0

-J%~Y D(~#w"]c`p9}:{0 

Grooving of Drums

S RVC*s(b _s0The contour at the bottom of the grooves shall be circular over an angle of approximately 120 degrees. The depth of the groove shall be not less than 0.35 times the diameter of the rope. The grooves of the drum shall be so pitched that there is, between adjacent turns of the rope, a clearance of not less than:

F z!qR'g {0
  • 1.5 mm for ropes up to and including 12 mm diameter,
  • 2.5 mm for ropes over 14 mm and including 8 mm diameter, and
  • 3.0 mm for ropes over 28 mm diameter.
Grooving of Sheaves

[#FxOBh J0Sheaves shall be grooved to a depth of not less than 1.5 times the diameter of the rope. The contour at the bottom of the grooves shall be circular over an angle of approximately 130 degrees.拓松汽车户外网 -&n*Y!^ eN9mD

Fleet Angle

PI ~S$QPh0Where a wire rope leads over a sheave and on to a drum, the rope will not remain in alignment with the sheave but will deviate to either side depending on the width of the drum and the distance from the fixed sheave.


;ng4K;X+~1H}0The fleet angle is the angle created at the point of intersection of a line drawn from the inside edge of the drum flange and along the centre line of the rope lead, and a line drawn from the centre of the drum at right angle to it. This angle is formed at the lead pulley. On a crane fitted with a grooved drum the angle should never exceed 4 degree and on a crane fitted with a flat-faced drum the angle should be between ½ degree and 2 degree maximum. If this angle is more, there will be heavy wear of the rope and groove sides.

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Fleet Angle

6d^ aB)E!UF w0 拓松汽车户外网 -A _ a?.U

To ensure the correct fleet angle, the following formula may be useful in finding the height of the lead pulley or the width of the drum, when one of these two measurements is known.

H's_8^+FxMQ5B0 拓松汽车户外网 -R(U%@-n q

C = A/B where,拓松汽车户外网 -3Yj8~5zu L

?W\3[w)UAN(m0C = Constant having maximum value as under.

;a{ u(}U%r6e&F0

yO"V%L_gj0C = 0.07 for flat faced drums and
l6eC-L/\6J0C = 0.14 for grooved drums.拓松汽车户外网 - F/E3qSY3D$J:J9X3t

t'y!\JG ru~n)u a0As per IS 3177, fleet angle shall not exceed 5 degrees.

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Diameter of a Wire Rope

A ~3gA'W0AA0Diameter Measurement拓松汽车户外网 -mW XD!E

拓松汽车户外网 -"t ko-uz?Y/d)n;kW

Diameter of a wire rope is the diameter of a circle circumscribing the strands. Care should be taken to see that it is measured correctly as shown above. The actual diameter usually varies from the nominal diameter of a rope. As per IS 2266, actual diameter can vary by -1% to 4 % of the nominal diameter of the rope.

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When measuring the rope diameter, don't measure the layer on the reel. Measure the rope when it is straight. To find the correct diameter at a point in a rope, the callipers must be placed over each pair of opposite strands, i.e. three separate readings for a six strand rope. The readings are then averaged.拓松汽车户外网 -(L-_ \PtsxE \

;j.L\jcX*d`0The rope you are going to replace may be worn out and may measure less than the new rope. Measurement of rope to know its size shall be carried out where it is not worn out.


Generally accepted design factors for various purposes (type of services)


Generally Accepted Design Factors
Purpose (Type of Service) Minimum Design Factor
Fixed guys, Derricks, Jib cranes, etc. 4.0
General Engineering, slings, etc. 5.0
Hot Ladle Cranes 8.0
Mining ropes 10.0 or other figure laid down by statutory authority.
Passengers and goods lifts and hoists.
6b2V8J9o5j})Rq0Rope speed not exceeding 120 m / min.
Passengers and goods lifts and hoists. 拓松汽车户外网 -GI&P(s2C-C
Rope speed not exceeding 210 m / min.
Passengers and goods lifts and hoists.
Y*L#b)w%K0Rope speed not exceeding 425 m / min.

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Capacity of Drums / Reels

^|/R9n%ke6S}\n0The following formula and table are a convenient method of calculating how long wire rope a drum or reel will hold.


V;Jy N$]XR[2fe0Drum and Rell Capacity

-P {*G [7\$T2s0 拓松汽车户外网 -a_iAEu

Capacity of reel in feet or meters = (A+B) x A x C x K拓松汽车户外网 -6pvy8t1ajb

Jb c]&^,Z,F j9o \,f0Where,
4p k0E'P.k,I&u"|0A = Depth of rope space in inches or mm
N`l(BWI,VP@!Y0B = Diameter of drum in inches or mm 拓松汽车户外网 --L3H Tn2o
C = Width of drum between flanges in inches or mm 拓松汽车户外网 - pRc-k!lf&y
K = π / 12 D2 when capacity is required in feet
*BkHe`0K = π / 1000 D2 when capacity is required in meters 拓松汽车户外网 -(^H#\I:Z-`
K = Constant for a given wire rope diameter (As per table below) and 拓松汽车户外网 -\] Ny:Hoa@ U
D = Rope diameter in inches or mm

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Table for value of constant

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(o&tN+AX e0
Rope Diameter Value of Constant for
Inch mm Feet Meters
1/4 6 4.19 0.00009
3/8 9 1.85 0.00004
1/2 13 1.05 0.00002
5/8 16 0.670 0.000012
3/4 19 0.465 0.000008
7/8 22 0.342 0.000006
1 25 0.262 0.000005
1 1/8 29 0.207 0.000004
1 1/4 32 0.168 0.000003
1 1/2 38 0.116 0.000002
1 3/4 43 0.085 0.000001
拓松汽车户外网 -4dm}P Yot!]


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Reserve Strength

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The reserve strength of a wire rope is the strength of the rope exclusive of the outer layer of wires, which are damaged. Following are the approximate reserve strengths expressed as a percentage of the total strengths of well lubricated new ropes.拓松汽车户外网 -%w.K?.gEo6K


$|g n3N)\ o6~({#z0
Construction Percentage of Total
Fibre Core Steel Core
Outer Wires Inner Wires拓松汽车户外网 -9}N\J(T
Outer Wires Inner Wires
o%`^hod,FQ y/{0Strength)
6×7 – 6×6/1 84 16 71 29
6×19 Group
6×19 – 6×12/6/1 63 37 54 46
6×19 – 6×9/9/1 66 34 57 43
6×16 – 6×10/5+5F/1 63 37 54 46
6×19 – 6×12/6+6F/1 55 45 47 53
6×19 – 6×6 and 6/6/1 59 41 52 48
6×37 Group
6×37 – 6×18/12/6/1 48 52 41 59
6×29 – 6×14/7+7F/7/1 50 50 43 57
6×31 – 6×16/8+8F/6/1 49 51 42 58
6×37 – 6×15/15/6/1 50 50 43 57
6×41 – 6×16/8 and 8/8/1 48 52 56 44
6×36 – 6×14/7 and 7/7/1 50 50 43 57
8×19 Group
8×19 – 8×12/6/1 63 37 48 52
8×19 – 8×9/9/1 66 34 51 49
8×16 – 8×10/5+5F/1 63 37 47 53
8×19 – 8×12/6+6F/1 55 45 42 58
8×19 – 8×6 and 6/6/1 59 41 44 56
6×12 – 6×12/ F.C. 100 - - -
6×24 – 6×15/9/F.C. 63 37 - -
17×7 – 11/6×6/1 55 45 52 48
18×6 – 12/6×6/1 57 43 54 46

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Wire Rope Clips

拓松汽车户外网 -R$r LI1P[5B

Wire rope clips serve as an alternative to splicing and are a simple mechanical means of securing a wire rope round a thimble. They are also known as Bulldog Clips.拓松汽车户外网 -d5mb5FLz(w/f

QxF%Om8][(L0Wire rope clips are made from two types of materials. They are malleable iron and drop forged steel. Malleable wire rope clips are to be used only for non-critical, light duty applications with small applied loads. They should not be used for lifting or suspending load.拓松汽车户外网 -*w8eJ&R"~*C|0tk

拓松汽车户外网 -LVFVNY xU^1N

For more information on wire rope clips, please refer article titled Rigging Hardware – Wire Rope Clips.拓松汽车户外网 -Vy*\3Uh#w

Wire Rope End Connections

拓松汽车户外网 -G9J.m p0I8@0q"Q1U`P

Several types of end connections used for overhead lifting applications are shown below. All efficiency ratings are based on the difference between the actual breaking strength of a rope and the attained breaking strength with that specific fitting. The only fitting which attains 100% efficiency are spelter sockets; provided they are properly attached.


u F'Yu-h"s l(Z0End Connections

gU6ezbaS I}U0

K6lUe:_3XF0In above sketch, end connections marked (1) are used only with 6-strand wire ropes. Their efficiency rating depends on rope size and core type.

T pB"A3_!OZ-D0

}'z4C eK3Es0The swaging or clamping process compresses the rope to varying degrees causing a slight loss of rope strength.

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Most of wire ropes have an actual breaking strength up to approximately 5%-15% higher than the breaking strength listed in catalogue. Due to this, wire ropes with even swaged fittings don’t fail at listed breaking strength and some manufacturers claim their assembly to have 100 % efficiency.拓松汽车户外网 -JjBO2B;S kU(@

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