K8000越野电动绞盘 G9000越野电动绞盘 N12000专业电动绞盘 N15000工业电动绞盘 H12000工业液压绞盘 H15000工业液压绞盘 K5000P便携式电动绞盘
K8000 越野绞盘 G9000 4WD绞盘 N12000 专业绞盘 N15000 救援绞盘 H12000 工业绞盘 H15000 工业绞盘 K5000P 便携式绞盘


热度890票  浏览36次 时间:2011年5月06日 19:32

\8m{;o*^+L%`0如今“Unimog”汽车品牌在全球已成为坚固、多用、稳定及绝对可靠的代名词。今天,已经有150多个国家在使用Unimog:无论在海拔5000米以上的高原、南极洲的寒冷冰川、极度湿热的赤道,或是干旱无雨的沙漠,都有Unimog纵横驰骋的身影。拓松汽车户外网 -:r6{ b [4q;v-n

拓松汽车户外网 -.Q,LC7cJ5h


id+h!A y kwh"iQ0 拓松汽车户外网 -g6ep"moBWi!KPf

U 300/ U 400/ U 500车型系列属于小型专业越野设备车,是为任何多用途需求而量身定制的专用车型。

z`4} i.[0

%j\UrM^ i0U 3000/ U 4000/ U 5000产品系列作为高机动性运输车辆和超级越野设备车的设计,面向整个世界。

McNzp3^"tW0 拓松汽车户外网 -+L4Q2T@J



8E k{&@|;X)~0作为适用于各种作业设备类型的多用途专业移动平台,梅赛德斯奔驰Unimog U 300/U 400/U 500产品系列能够完成大量种类的作业应用,而只需一人进行驾驶和作业设备的控制。拓松汽车户外网 -}*]oWtOW(^ ?7_

)gpA.M*A(`U+X0U 300/U 400/U 500装备了性能强劲的发动机,最大输出功率从150马力/110千瓦到279马力/205千瓦,并且拥有多种特色装备。例如“3+4”


(D}/E7j,v1H0作业设备安装范围包括高功率机械式前取力器,先进的且带有标准化设备接口的集成式静态及动力液压系统等。拓松汽车户外网 -n pJ,I8b5[~,}

eTG e+x|8wc)f0除此之外,还有高水准的乘坐和操作舒适性、卓越的功能性以及全新的Vario Pilot®可调式转向系统等,可以说举不胜举。拓松汽车户外网 -$Wi lT,g:QJ

0aa V0|2k!d2xv0Unimog U 300/U 400系列-应对各种艰巨任务的真正专家。拓松汽车户外网 - @pq l*b^#hq!sU

拓松汽车户外网 -_"}7m.T3N]

拓松汽车户外网 - RH9A5G G/e&p

R-YO4Ys&s(Z0Unimog U 300


&h3m \!n{ ~}xY7Z0...and this is the standard equipment list for the new U 300:

El O.d/q0 拓松汽车户外网 -VD'J0R:y/a

. Storage compartments:拓松汽车户外网 -+p ~3f#rU7x

b1P[;k]0- large storage compartments under dash拓松汽车户外网 - u`*IH'Q^8V

拓松汽车户外网 -S,Y2IR*s-II,y

- bottle and can holder integrated in door molding

B+y}KY!g0 拓松汽车户外网 -Q5@Gl7dIO

- storage box on rear cab wall拓松汽车户外网 -W'u]v E.Q

拓松汽车户外网 -MU[+u;l/f5Kms

- storage area behind driver’s seat

R{j6qb d2gN0 拓松汽车户外网 - X6M7nrny

. Front towing jaw with pin

F6WB$[ |w7U0

_ f*p?SPs0. Rear trailer socket 24 V, 15 pin拓松汽车户外网 -zG7_O.T"~ rxs

拓松汽车户外网 -[3fr.V6a9K%r

. Interlock Starter switch拓松汽车户外网 - P Sy/J4Qj

拓松汽车户外网 - Q9`S7lq

. Antilock Brake System (ABS)拓松汽车户外网 -8soRm6ZZ#{X

N;Qrc CIXNQ2Z ^0. Armrest integrated in door molding

U?"^G#gE u0 拓松汽车户外网 -:[npq Oz2h

. Ashtray with cigarette lighter

1g{(GC` rq0

5L[a6j-c7P3M/S0. Anti-slip steps with handle for windshield cleaning拓松汽车户外网 -[-{~)hGUq

(G)Jz/XAWW]1e0. Exterior noise dampening (according to EU reg. 70/157/EU incl. 96/20/EU)

#O4y-`ot8g0 拓松汽车户外网 -l1^I F%L&@

. Exterior mirrors heatable (disengageable) elec. adjustable拓松汽车户外网 -mI&c?-p eD.L6r]

拓松汽车户外网 - Ym3jjbH_)e

. Batteries 2 X 12V/115Ah, low maintenance

,~UU _ R gf"I1G0 拓松汽车户外网 -)OF-` ]xN

. Elec. controls located in centre console

GR:_Q@{-s3xd~ B0 拓松汽车户外网 -RX#R*KSLT

. Service hour counter

k.Kk9}%]g8mB#]2h8A0 拓松汽车户外网 -%u0Uu(J#r*g4p$C

. Vehicle elec. system, 24V

4l2G.I AMa0 拓松汽车户外网 -8N)e'fL%Y$?C"}

. Autom. Load responsive Brake system (ALB)拓松汽车户外网 - xf,[?+Oaa~

7M6He N BDBY0. Dual circuit brake system, high pressure (18,5 bar)

#_)m*Yu:_Y4vP${0 拓松汽车户外网 -g;nx3r&ys#`

. Roof console with 2 shafts for radio and speedometer-recorder

!B/l2D"b d's!f0 拓松汽车户外网 -g$sS]z

. Differential locks on rear axle, engageable elec.-pneumatically while in motion拓松汽车户外网 -oQ1l'eF

5h9m6o6ou7SuZ0. Compressed air connection for aux. use

(kU jU_/QH#A0 拓松汽车户外网 -*UFa1SC&@ r

. Compressed air drier拓松汽车户外网 - D)WE7y[+c&~,n

"XH!VZC I0. Centrally located elec. box, protected within cab

X*\ PQ&fL0 拓松汽车户外网 - a*_1X }7a2BE%h

. Electronic powertrain management system with diagnostic interface and onboard diagnostics拓松汽车户外网 -*\BrO7] B N x

uq9B,vw Hk&m o9r0. Electric and electronic parts (elec. magnetic compatible)拓松汽车户外网 -/DPg7BHVt if

u@2X I8w} |M1X@0. Compound fibre cab – corrosion free拓松汽车户外网 -$[l!qXFTtB

J&[]`1Qkb0. Cab tiltable

j;T"Z0K O0

0V3JH z Z _0. Structural integrity of cab according to EU reg. ECE—29


5\'w T&Xqa|0. Driver seat height, tilt, backrest tilt and longitudinal adjustable


D {8X]5ol v)G Y[E0. Spring loaded parking brake

[;M6W$X8I0 拓松汽车户外网 -i5T*T)eP!r*y`*[

. Panoramic headlights拓松汽车户外网 -.OR(UGFqQ JQ

*ot r3L,xZ%G0. Electronic accelerator

+q\2Lo.F^;Z,| y?0 拓松汽车户外网 -%Hr TS*c

. 28V/80A (1920 Watt) generator拓松汽车户外网 -a1\VRZ

O-U,ONe0. Frame-integrated standardized mounting points for Unimog implements and body building


;PI4Rj@0PD%X cH]0. Electronically governed max. speed of 85 km/h

cY s)n9j0x\0

O8Y$HWodR2F*pA0. Transmission: MB-All synchromesh reversing transmission, 8 gears forward and 6 gears reverse拓松汽车户外网 -y-T:CT ox

_"z*FS+ib:_0. Large instrument panel LCD-displays and gauges for:拓松汽车户外网 -8M D-N/k LLf6?(c3r

拓松汽车户外网 -m1?)Z.x X'E;CZ

- Speedometer km/h and mph拓松汽车户外网 -+Xp:zo do ^&Yf!z r;z

拓松汽车户外网 -U*T$?:GTI

-RPM拓松汽车户外网 -W+}tL$Y'Y2g.A

asUC[%cDL3~"{s0- Brake reservoir pressure拓松汽车户外网 -B:N6| rgE

拓松汽车户外网 - t#N*r%A irr)~6e

- Coolant temperature拓松汽车户外网 -EA6Hi3~1m.wA

拓松汽车户外网 -c/J loU"^-j

- Fuel level拓松汽车户外网 -"T'c;W0F [ C+x,|R'S

GT @_ U;r3P&J L#b t0- Hydraulic oil temperature

ec?zm/[0 拓松汽车户外网 -6vDk z z/i#I4t N.Ar

- Differential locks拓松汽车户外网 -5o!Q#h4UU

:Mkbf9_{(T8n0- Outside temperature拓松汽车户外网 -?.e+qI/m S|

4j9`9VW5SU[ L0- Brake pad wear拓松汽车户外网 - p A7Z:tgF

|1zbG$[V7M3muh-Y0- Brake fluid level拓松汽车户外网 - g$e {Ro(Z YEX

拓松汽车户外网 -W$t#_&s$c)z_ k{ v

- Coolant level

"?2d hLz9F5\0

@Q+|;`.`[h0- Steering fluid level拓松汽车户外网 -g0Gb4]8m

Q@?r6y9Ug.@4N1K0- Air filter maintenance

-fZP$~u!K8q4x S0 拓松汽车户外网 -b5hcs6N(MN#`|

- Engine oil level拓松汽车户外网 - {*~{i8|Bv

5trt6R4BhIr/C0- Windshild wiper fluid level拓松汽车户外网 - C*P^wh

.IC iz$U,cg$g3X0- Transmission gear

?e N2L8n;x iM*[0

*G pi B1Y0- Service hour counter拓松汽车户外网 -)~/~ jH;K1mQ)?.\ UA

拓松汽车户外网 -Ap(nH7Bf-vJ$|_

- Km and trip km counter拓松汽车户外网 -*Xk b e3d5Tg

拓松汽车户外网 -,siad Z9?7Lu(eP



PGF6i,Wa0Ui0. Electronic Hand throttle拓松汽车户外网 -a{ cQT

q&M*OglN*~(h0. Multi-setting heater and blower, with dust filter and air recycling拓松汽车户外网 -*{Aya3`C9d.Z

^*@GyX0. Interior lighting with reading light for driver and passenger

d0D)t T7m0

}7O6@G9_t:n0. Adjustable dash board illumination

7i"n/_bx@0 拓松汽车户外网 -R#y.^0_-l+Ukm

. Front integral support for fitting front mounting plate (adjustable)

,{t-\f Jz*\ X.E7^0 拓松汽车户外网 -^b#? B k

. Level cab floor

zs(Fm r4C8^e:n0 拓松汽车户外网 -j+Mv S7BG

. Cab suspension with shock absorbers, rear

'Ys`B[-A|)r0 拓松汽车户外网 -H s;q$qN&b%s

. 3 clothes hooks拓松汽车户外网 -0^ ` k d'e3I`A q

拓松汽车户外网 -1r5Ar m&Y5\

. Integrated air conditioner拓松汽车户外网 -_`_jn R7?d

拓松汽车户外网 -v,xz3\HjC

. Multi-combination lever


RB3vzHnw0g!Z"Li*d0-steering column, right: hand throttle, cruise control, speed limiter and exhaust brake

"KHax0kn'?0 拓松汽车户外网 -2U R0p Y _9ym Z@

-steering column, left: headlight beams, blinker, windshild wash/wipers, horn拓松汽车户外网 -7g(j$c9c^)xf

拓松汽车户外网 -3R6o(Y`,TZ] |

. Head rests拓松汽车户外网 -sge*^x ?7x1jGI

!\+IoNr'}$L C0. Anti-corrosion fenders拓松汽车户外网 -K+B&gr9DTRl`

X\(}YY4t0. Aluminium fuel tank拓松汽车户外网 -'\C!Q$C)~ W{ uF

拓松汽车户外网 -R;d[X\"Y

. Headlight range adjustment

x9M Sc Q#N&~ J0

;]t;rw_ g6e1Ja0. Air-intake chimney拓松汽车户外网 -5Rsh _)D9Wr

Y,_f'b'Q _b0. Air filter with pre-separator

x+D zG]_@.`y o0

;|G(x9LO0k0. Cooling fan, elec. regulated, hydraulic drive

Tt2qIqu5UT9^0 拓松汽车户外网 -AdY#XjW0HZI)F

. Air pressure, spur gear driven, water cooled, 260 l/min at 18 bar拓松汽车户外网 -)] u:mj;Ci

5o'@WP2] mh5{0. Ergonomic middle console, centrally


4M UvU;maI0arranged, with all controls拓松汽车户外网 -.`3h?+|O?S!J

oBrG#TeE0. Middle console with 2 installation shafts ie. for CB

(\*E r |g1\A0

_+urA0. Engine with exhaust turbo charger and air cooled, electronic injection governor (MR)


9^FgU!C!H0. Fulfills Euro 3 emissions standards拓松汽车户外网 -)R,O1X.AcA#C

拓松汽车户外网 -:D gBaX!v;v

. Bio diesel capable (RME)

bM,ugv U]0 拓松汽车户外网 -8{fO7\!m~'B

. 2-step exhaust brake, with exhaust cut-out and cylinder head valve拓松汽车户外网 -j"d1q)\IG9y2|

拓松汽车户外网 -Rz0n+r;ll1zOp

. Panorama windshield multi-layered

TV#JoJS;ZXg0 拓松汽车户外网 - O1Bs|*@L

. Permanent all-wheel drive with lockable interaxle differential拓松汽车户外网 -WJy&w;a q%u^

qw:B]5OHa0. Governor characteristic for driving (RQV) and implement operation (RSV) elect. controlable and switchable

(Pq8nE4GS@M0 拓松汽车户外网 -t F4_"YV6x D

. Tire inflation connection拓松汽车户外网 -ynG6Q#D|lY+B

,mK)g}ub5zM0. Large rear window

UP0m(b2w7s0 拓松汽车户外网 -kpb"eL {1iX

. Disc wheels on both axles


` b%~!NxM&FF+V3b0. Windshield wipers-3 settings with intermittent setting and windshield washer

v8o1O9qE$Bh^e"p0 拓松汽车户外网 -M.g"J#qR%O"K

. Helical springs with progressive characteristic line

-dC'x0[dc0 拓松汽车户外网 -#n?8pm(eTe9GE S i6y

. Six rear chamber lights with clearance lamps, blinker, rear lights, rear fog lights, rear reflector reversing lights拓松汽车户外网 - _$t5it8C

拓松汽车户外网 -Ihm IBcD

. Power steering


B6N[,\Q&q)xI9b0. Seats with integrated 3-point safety belts

3Iy[P%p6I@$u0 拓松汽车户外网 - B9Zhhtx h

. 3 sun visors


M:Doa#v P+{q0. Telescopic shock absorbers拓松汽车户外网 - hx1?{(DNBB

,c0D%B*d }4E&^ R0. Stabilizers on front and rear axles

9q#oW@h0 拓松汽车户外网 -.t&X!j}ZgW

. Telligent. shifting (Elec.-Pneumatic Shifting/EPS)拓松汽车户外网 -0N3W'WN8V

拓松汽车户外网 -3A2V#^Q:mmNG;^4d7~

. Cruise control/Speed limiter


x`0c H'Wf0. Deep windows in door

9gH ~)O?'{6W0

Y0\`C7\Y5@+G%D0. Clearance lamps

l$`9xS)zl d0

S6EM*{Ab s,`0. Underbody coating (Dinol) for anti-corrosion拓松汽车户外网 -FHK%Wn LME

,@2F N'^gj(Vu0. Under vehicle protection, side


udm }!K2g0(wheelbase: 3600 mm)


-st*qa una)@ X0. Wheel chocks拓松汽车户外网 -f,`tHI'Gb S

拓松汽车户外网 -&Rg^0ZA cc

. Extremely long maintenance intervals after 1200 (engine)拓松汽车户外网 -t@&L8I!i!W5_#fc*C

拓松汽车户外网 -BQtij?

service hours拓松汽车户外网 -"s7C-hXz X(kwp%s

5r'?:r5A9iPc OOs0?U0. All-round heat reducing glas

sO @5T6n/c9Y'k0 拓松汽车户外网 -8|;Cj0VP

. Onboard tools拓松汽车户外网 -j'H.]|$y U3Y_

拓松汽车户外网 -!g"NI B`-D$m

.Cigarette lighter


zHNJMz Ub3[0. Additional side indicators In addition to the extensive, standard equipment range we offer special equipment to customize your Unimog. Your competent Unimog agency will be more than happy to consult you.拓松汽车户外网 -8L YB5K%ip;_{rO

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消防救援绞盘 - Fire & Rescue Winches